Recently when I teasingly asked a friend's 5 year old daughter if she would come and stay with me as I live alone and do not have a baby of my own, she very innocently asked me "Aunty, why don't you get married? "
I was left spellbound. What does this kid know of marriage? But then, she must definitely have heard her parents talk that about me. "It is time now that she should get married !!"
Is that all that is there to discuss about me, beind my back ??
This coming from family and neighbours is understandable , but the realisation that my friends are also talking about me in the same language has left me thinking.
What is it about marriage that will ' complete ' me in the sense I am already not ? I am a proud, self made, independent, intelligent alpha woman. I have worked hard to make a career for myself. I earn well enough to sustain a comfortable life for myself and if need be can fend for a 'husband ' too.
Then what is it that a man will add to my life ? I can under stand when they say u need someone for emotional support. But does that support really comes as unconditionally as stated by the institution of marriage. I also understand that to sustain any relationship certain compromises are required on the part of both the parties involved. One will however require a reason good enough to make those compromises to stay in a particular relationship. The reason could be anything from love, children, parent's wishes or societal pressures. To each his or her own. But can being or having crossed a certain age be a reason valid enough .
I admit I have my own bouts of lonliness and brooding when I feel the need to have someone around to be able to talk freely without the concern of being judged. Lonliness can be dreadful but certainly not incurable. There are a hundred ways to keep oneself busy and occupied to keep lonliness at bay. But how does one tackle "Emptiness"?
I have seen couples celebrating silver anniversaries and still being total strangers to each other. A relationship that does not add meaning to your existence is a useless one. Two people may not complement each other but to be in a successful marriage it must be something more than just living together.
So for all my well wishers out there...contrary to the popular belief I am not averse to the institution of marriage. I am just looking for a right reason to take the plunge. A right man to come across and strike a cord with my heart. I am just waiting for that day, even if it comes at the age of fifty. Till then please , if you can , be happy for my " happily single " status.